Thursday, February 07, 2008

Organizing Intervention

A couple recent clients have had me help get their family members organized. Pretty much it was set up as an intervention. No before or after photos were taken at the request of the family.

A daughter or son had contacted me in regards to their mother. The family had recognized that something needed to be done. Their mom was accumulating far too much and the family's efforts to resolve this was getting nowhere.

Now unlike the Oprah hoarder story, these homes were not overrun with stuff leaving only pathways throughout their home. The problem lied only in 2-3 rooms where the mother's would store all the "good sales," "too good to pass up," "this is a great gift for ______" kind of stuff.

As I worked with the mothers with the family members present, I was able to push their mothers a bit harder to toss and part with items. Not only am I not emotionally attached to any items, I'm not attached to the mother. Typically when family members try to push each other, they tend to push each other's buttons. Arguments flare up and the project goes no where.

By having a indifferent person present, I am the one pushing the mother to make decisions on items. She can get mad at me all she wants, her children are smiling and laughing because they aren't getting yelled at. I'm very polite and respectful, though quite firm and decisive.

At the end of the projects, each mother was crying with happy tears. Amazed at their new rooms and the space they had for painting pictures, completing craft projects and grandchildren sleepovers. Both mothers apologized for how they scolded me, at times yelling. I just smiled, told them it was my pleasure to help them feel better about their space.

What would you do an intervention for?


SOUL said...

i need an intervention for my own self. :))

Angie Weid said...

Soul, I would love to help you out. I'll throw some long distance happy vibes your way.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah..i'd second that..invervention for still willing to come over to JP?

SOUL said...

you do that-- and i'll send some texas heat your way-- deal?
hapy monday!