I don't watch that much TV,
though I am a Survivor junkie.
At this point, I cannot quit.
It may seem ridiculous, but I must continue to apply to be on this show. Not submitting my application would drive me nuts because it is admitting defeat. Once I set my mind to do something, it must get done. I am a driven person and, quite likely, a bit off.
So, you've seen it before.
Here it is again.
This time I asked my friends to help me with a few questions. It was interesting to see what they said about me (all good - Thank you friends!)
I put a bit of attitude into many of the other questions, probably because that's me. One that just made me laugh was:
I will be in Chicago around March, then LA April/May, then off to a "remote location" for 7 weeks June-August. Speaking engagements can be scheduled around December 2008. (Hey if you can't imagine the outcome, why play the game!)My answer: President of the USA - Because I would have my own plane and helicopter to take me places. Plus, there are likely some really nice, fluffy pillows in the bedroom.
What political office would you hold and why?
so by "will be".. does that mean they picked you??????
wussssup.. ...?
OMG i laughed out loud watching that!!!
you are AWESOME! you are hilarious, and i love your grippy toes.. how funny!!!
we are survivor junkies here too-- and i would love to see you win a million dollars--- you so deserve it-- if for no other reason-- for being you--- and of course--for making me laugh today
nimrod.. omg..lol
and a rocket scientist
who knew
happy thursday
Funny stuff! Hope you get what you want and that you really know what you want.
That was Great!! I wish they allowed viewers to vote for the audition tapes, because I'd vote for you. I found you by way of Soul! I loved it over here! Thank you to Soul, and thank you for the great video!
Good luck!!
hmmm... isn't it strange-- people come via a link.. and go back to the link to talk to the linkee-- (well, most i should say--nothing against them, at least they say something, that you can see, and appreciate..somewhere..)
but hey y'all...
if you find this page... by my page--- talk to angie.. she's awesome.. she may not have time to go to my page to see what you have to say about her..or her video-- or best wishes for her future on the show...
leave her some stuff here too k?
bye angie
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