Wednesday, December 17, 2008

C'mon ... We'll Get You Organized

With the New Year, comes New Year resolutions.

Getting organized is moving up the #3 on the list of things many people want to accomplish in the coming year. January is National Get Organized Month (GO Month), and professional organizers will be hosting free events around the country.

For southeast Michigan and northwest Ohio, your opportunity to meet with professional organizers will be Saturday, January 17th at IKEA in Canton, Michigan.

If you've thought about chatting with a professional organizer, this will be a great opportunity for you to meet and chat with one of us. You should be pulling out your calendar now and making a note to attend.

Hey, you'll get to meet me (the chick behind this blog) and other great people who want you to love your space.
What do you have to lose?
It will be fun!

What do you want to get organized?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's all about you. Organizing the stuff is just another path towards a higher level in emotional comfort. It's worth more than it costs in money and effort.
Steve Nickse