At my
Senior Collaborative meeting today, a member did a great presentation from
The Victory Center which is a cancer support center. It is amazing to me the services they provide to people who are challenged with cancer.
Nothing like this existed 16 years ago when I was diagnosed with cancer.

My story:
I was 22 years old, fresh out of college, starting my career at
Ford Motor Company. Stopped by a 24hr clinic to get some medicine for a cold I could not shake on my way out for a Friday night
(yeah, I was sick but that was no reason for not going out on a Friday night).
The look on the young doctor's face told me something was wrong.
"You have cancer. You need to get to a hospital, now."
WHAT! "Your joking right? I'm going out."
(remember, I was an arrogant, little 22yr old)
"I wish I was. You are quite sick."
WHOA.....I grabbed the xray and went home.
2 weeks later,
Hodgkin's Disease--stage 4.
Six months of chemo,
ABVD (it was suppose to be one year).
My hair got thin and I
NEVER allowed myself to throw up.
Complete remission.
I don't know why I am writing about this. I am having all these little flashes of images from 16yrs ago. But they are more than images. I can hear the sounds, smell the chemo room, feel the aches of treatments, remember the weakness from it all.
I also remember the strength I conjured up, my will to live that grew, the appreciation for life I learned and the certainty I truly
believed I would survive.
The Victory Center in Toledo, Ohio has some amazing programs for cancer patients, survivors and their families. I encourage you to check out all they have to offer and support their fundraisers.
We are quite fortunate to have such a great resource in our area.
Thank you for reading my story.
"Peace Baby"