School has been in session for about a month.
Your family should be getting back into a routine.
If not, there is likely a bit of stress in your home due to the school papers stacked up everywhere, frantically making lunches/snacks in the morning and, oh yeah, you still have to get ready for work on-time.
If you find yourself feeling under pressure, take a moment and get a grip of what's happening.
(and sing along with Queen and David Bowie)
1. Last Year vs. This Year - Think about and WRITE DOWN the pros and cons of what is going on in your home. From this list, you will be able to see areas you need to change. Writing notes down is far better than letting your thoughts clutter your head and it will be easier to see where you can make changes.
Once you've gathered your thoughts, get the family involved to come up with a plan that will work for everyone. Because if you involve people in decision making, they have a better chance of following up on actions.

If you don't need to respond, trash it.
If it's a calendar item, get it on the calendar and trash it.
If it's a field trip, sign the permission slip and write the $5 check and trash it.
If it's the amazing handwriting sheet or math test, acknowledge the wonderful work and, yes, trash it.
Getting through the daily barrage of school papers is a success story in itself.
3. Homework - Kids need a consistent spot to get their work done. No TV/Games/iPod/phones allowed (you gotta be tough). The sooner you instill the importance of being responsible, the better for them. Some kids work best at homework right away after school. Other's need a bit of a break, then hit the books.

Getting a household to run smoothly is a constant work in progress. Like anything, little changes add up to success. Be patient. You are doing a great job.
What's your favorite school subject?