It's that one area of your home that just seems to suck the happiness out of you.
You know where it is.
You try not to look at it.
You believe that it will
go away on its own.
.....It doesn't, in fact it may even begin to grow.
This was the "Energy Blackhole" for "Mary".
Her home is full of creativity with handpainted walls, floorboards and pictures everywhere. However, Marya's office was bringing her down. I worked with her to get her desktop area under control, then she had me come back for.....(bum, bum, bahm)
....the supply closet.
You could feel the area brighten as I started boxing up old business literature and binders from conferences long past. Supplies were found hidden behind bags and under books. A small pile of items were left for her to sort through...hopefully, "toss."
I was a bit nervous leaving Mary's home. I felt wonderful about her office, but wasn't sure how she would like it.
The next morning Mary called me: "I LOVE IT!"
She feels energized when she goes into her office. Her son made a comment...yes, I said her son...that he was amazed at the difference in how the room felt.
Mary, it was my pleasure helping you conquer your energy drain.
Now, What area of your home is sucking the life out of you?
Get a garbage bag and fill it up....YOU WILL FEEL BETTER!!
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