Who knew these innocent little reads could cause such headaches as the pile up around you, if you do not keep them in control.
Today's organizing project:
Your Magazines.
Clear out your magazines.
Reward: When taking a shower, linger for
an extra couple minutes with your eyes closed.
Grab a brown paper grocery bag and start loading it up with your old magazines. Any magazine over 3 months has got to go. Most articles are available on-line if that is your justification for keeping it. If there is a layer of dust on them, it has got to go. (plus do you seriously want to dust a magazine?)
Please consider dropping off your magazines to a recycling center or check with you local school to see if they may need them for art projects.
The National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) has deemed January as National Get Organized Month. Michigan Governer, Jennifer Granholm recently signed a proclamation in support of being more organized in 2010.
Remember getting organized is an investment in yourself.
Enjoy the day!
What's your favorite magazine?
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