... Out through the mouth.
In through the nose
... Out through the mouth.
In through the nose ...... Out through the mouth.
In through the nose ....... Out through the mouth.
In through the nose ....... Out through the mouth.
In through the nose ....... Out through the mouth.
In through the nose ....... Out through the mouth.
In through the nose ....... Out through the mouth.
In through the nose ....... Out through the mouth.
In through the nose ....... Out through the mouth.
It's been one of those weeks for me, too.
Do you feel better?
looks like we've been on the same schedule. 8)
ummmm... no.
but i hope you do.
hang in there baby!
I'm dong well. Just life is pulling at me with many little tasks which sometimes are more difficult to accomplish than the big ones. All is good.
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