about their space.
Junk drawer.
If there is an area in home or business that is causing you to say "UGH," then perhaps you should act on it.
Michelle was feeling that way about her home office. Back in May she had me help her breathe again in her office (that story here).

We accomplished a lot on that day, though Michelle had plans for more. I was delighted to get an email from her with a picture of what she had done to complete the project.
"Thought I’d send you an update – bought my shelving unit and now life is mah-velous. Never thought I’d purchase anything at ikea, but it is perfect for all of my paper needs. Its 6’x6’, and solid as a rock. My goal is to get more black boxes and label them for all of the individual items.
Thanks a bunch!!" ~Michelle
I am so excited Michelle took on this task
and completed her project on her own.
How have you inspired someone?
i think it's been so long since i have inspired anyone, i forgot.
have you seen my cattle prod???
happy weekend!
Soul - HA! I love your cattle prod comment. Thanks for the laugh.
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