Happy Birthday Matthew!!
I can't believe he is 10 years old. As I have always done, I find a moment on this day and write my birthday boy a note. When my boys turn 18 years old, they will each have 18 letters from me to them.

All the kids thought it was great since they kinda sparked a bit. When Matthew blew them out and they relit, I thought they would all pee their pants from laughter. It was HYSTERICAL!!

I look at him and I am in awe at the amazing young man he has become. This morning Matthew said to me, "the love you give me is better than any stuff." Jacob agreed. Big group hug.
I am the luckiest mom in the world tonight.
Thank you Matthew.....Happy birthday my superman!
How does your family make you feel lucky?
It's crazy to think that 10 years ago I held him as a baby...only 14 then...and now I'm having one of my own. I remember holding him like it was yesterday.
you are a very lucky mom-- and in many ways just a lucky lady in general--
sounds like a wonderful day - for all of you--
this is when it gets hard to watch the birthdays go by-- they aren't babies anymore --
ps-- guess what - this reminds me - last week i was at the dr's - in the elevator, as the door was shutting, i heard a mom call her boys-- they had the same names as yours-- it was weird-- but made me smile and think of you.
@Stevie - I know time flies by. My advice to you is to enjoy every moment (good and trying), it all passes by so quickly.
@Soul - Glad you thought of me with smiles. Thanks.
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