"Mike" pulls into his garage after a long day at the office. Like every night, crawls out of his car, cleans up and gets his dinner started. He's tired and mentally drained from business meetings.
Mike began thinking he wants his garage more organized, just not sure what to do. It has 50 year old cinderblock walls that are kinda dungeony (its my word, I made it up) looking. After some late night browsing he came across my garage make-over.
He immediately contacted me about the pegboard organizing walls I installed in my garage. The pegboard would clean up the walls, giving them a shining new look with loads of options to hang tools and supplies. All of this happiness could be achieved in under $50 for material costs. SWEET!
Mike is now supercharged when he pulls into his garage. The shiny walls have inspired him to refinish the workbench top. He's having fun getting all sorts of hooks and clips for the pegboard walls and arranging his tools for quick, easy access. Best of all, Mike feels awesome when he gets home from work, and that makes me happy, too.
Fall is here.
Did you get your spring organizing garage project done?
yeh right-- are you kidding me?
that makes me laugh. it won't be much longer before my car no longer fits in there.
well, did you expect any less?
yeh, me either.
happy weekend ang-
@Soul - Hope your feeling better. Keep your car in the garage. Tape off a section on the floor, a "No Stuff" zone you might say. You worked too hard on your garage.
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