Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hoarding 101

Hoarding is the acquisition of, and failure to use or discard, such a large number of seemingly useless possessions that it causes significant clutter and impairment to basic living activities such as mobility, cooking, cleaning, showering or sleeping. A person who engages in compulsive hoarding is commonly said to be a "pack rat", in reference to that animal's apparent fondness for material objects.

As a hoarder, you may mistakenly believe that the hoarded items are very valuable. You may show off a cutlery set claiming it to be made of silver and mother-of-pearl, disregarding the fact that the packaging clearly states the cutlery is made of steel and plastic. You may have a refrigerator filled with food items that expired months ago without ever eating them, but would vehemently resist any attempts from relatives to dispose of the unusable food items.

A&E has a new short series entitles "Hoarders."

The first episode aired last night, next episode Monday, August 24th 10pm. (If you missed it, click here)

This series is a fascinating look inside the lives of two different people each week whose inability to part with their belongings is so out of control that they are on the verge of a personal crisis.

It was interesting to watch and see how this family was helped. My business is helping people in this situation. Not only helping them remove clutter, but also encourage them to make changes to avoid the accumulation of stuff.

"Tell me about this space," is a similar request that I ask all clients before starting a project. Forcing a change on someone is far more effective if you know what their objectives are.

If it has been a few years since you have been invited into a loved one's home, please, PLEASE find a way to weasel your way into their home and check it out. Gather up your family and friends and help those in need.

No one should have negative feelings about their home.

Who have you not visited in 2 years that you should?


Anonymous said...

I think you intend to be helpful, but when you suggest that people "weasel their way" into the home of a friend in order to force them to do what you want . . . that's outrageous and inexcusable.

It don't think it's appropriate What were you thinking?

Angie Weid said...

@Anonymous - Thank you for your input. If a loved one's living conditions are dangerous to their health, it is better to work on helping them than ignore the situation. If your attempts fail and they refuse, you've done your best to aid them.