Amazing boys
Best friends
Challenging projects
Darn good man
Everything I need
Fun, fun, fun
Great mom
Happy home
Know how to fix anything
New clients
Opportunites to grow business
Possibilities are endless
Quite alot
Really cool grippy toes
Scuba diving in 2 months!
Time to be involved in my boys' lives
U for reading this blog
Vacations ... planned and all to come
What I do, I do well.
Xtra crunchy fun
Y can't more people be happy
Zzzz ... man, I sleep so well at night.

What are your ABCs of life?
I see DAD get's NOOOOOOO credit ??
How come dad's always figure in last?? I think most father's really are a quiet entity that are almost always overlooked even though most really,really care and try to do the right thing.
Anyway, just a thought from a dad.
I think it's just your family and all your hard work!
Wow, you are so proud of yourself! It's like you are totally perfect and have no room for improvement, and I think that's great. Pat yourself on the back a little bit harder!
@Anonymous#1 - Dad I know you care and I love you.
@Stevie - Thanks
@Anonymous#2 - I believe you missed the point of this post.
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