So, until those are completed how about our first quiz of 2009.
This is going to be a ROCKIN' good year.
"Bang your heads...." (little Quiet Riot reference for all us 80's rockers)
... yes, I owned this album on cassette.
You Are Copper |
These little quizzes always seems to catch my personality pretty good.
What music did you own on cassette?
This is a good one. I came out as gold, which I have to tell you, is probably my least favorite "jewelry" metal. (but the description was apt).
Music on cassettes? George Michael, REO Speedwagon, Styx, Richard Marx.
How about music on 8 tracks?
@Phyllis - Yeah, I had my share of 8 tracks. I was so into Queen, think I had 4-5 albums on 8 tracks.
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