Your kitchen is THE most used room in your home and it is used by everyone. Even if you are not an Iron Chef (perhaps more like Dan Aykroyd's Julia Child), your kitchen will get overstuffed like a turkey with pots, pans and dishes if you do not take the time to purge.

Remove everything out of the drawer or cabinet you are organizing. After removing all the little crumbs and such that seems to have moved into this space, begin placing those items that you are using, and love, back into their place. You will have some stuff that seems to have drifted into the wrong place, just place those items in the area they are suppose to be.
Left over on your counter top or table will be a collection of items that have worn out their welcome in your home. If they are damage or missing pieces, their fate is not good and do not belong in your home. Those items that are perfectly good, just have lost their purpose in your home, need to be boxed up and readied for donation.
Take your time.
If you feel organizing the whole kitchen in one day may be too much, break it into small sections that you can manage to accomplish. You will be so thankful in the end that you took the time to get your kitchen organized. It is remarkable how much better a space can feel by parting with a few items that are no longer needed.
With a brand spanking shiny clean cabinets, your kitchen will feel amazing. Perhaps now you will feel like becoming an Iron Chef with those holiday festivites approaching.
What did you find in your kitchen?
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