Hey, I gave you a week to ramp up to this, right?
I know. I know. But you got start somewhere on your path to organizing success.
Let's kick off the "Time to Get Organized" Challenges with something familiar. Even if it has been a year (or never) since you cleaned out your email inbox.
With a full week to rest and recoup from the holiday hoopla, now it is time to get back to business. These organizing challenges are to give you some direction at conquering your organizing goals.
Today's 10 min project: Your InBox.
Spend 10 minutes deleting (yes, I said 'delete')
old emails from your inbox.
HUGE slice of cheescake, or an alternate reward,
if you get your box down to 25 messages.
Imagine how awesome you are going to feel by the end of the month!
How many messages are in your inbox (before & after numbers)?
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